exhibit parcel directory
PARCEL 0a - Ocean Engineering - Kayaker Magic
PARCEL 3 - Paha Sapa - Mato Sapa
Roleplay in the 1870s West.
PARCEL 7 - Training in the 21st Century - Cooper Swizzle Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa
Our mission is to empower companies and individuals to evolve in synchrony with a changing world. Training in the 21st Century™ brings together the knowledge and expertise needed, customized for each project.
PARCEL 9 - Ataraxia - Dings Digital
Installation by Dings Digital
PARCEL 12 - Mirror Mondegreen
PARCEL 18 - Freedom Island - Kontessa Azure
PARCEL 22 - Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real (R2V2R)... Reach Your Target Audience
Bi-directional Integration of 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds For Capacity Building; Training; Advocacy; Networking; and Coworking
Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) aka Sally Cherry
Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real (R2V2R)" features various physical world activities, virtual worlds projects and strategies used to reach the target audience. Since 2008, the vision of a bi-directional integration of immersive virtual worlds has fueled the creator’s professional and personal mission to provide capacity building, public awareness, training; networking, and coworking opportunities. The target audience includes medical laboratory science professionals, public health service providers, nonprofits, and communities of special interest as well as public/community health consumers.
PARCEL 25 & 26 - American Horror Story - Kimm Starr
PARCEL 29 - Tenth Dimension, Beyond Imagination Star Ravenhurst
PARCEL 32 - AI STORYTELLING IS ALIVE! Storylink Radio - Shandon Loring
The quarter-region exhibit showcases a collection of thematic vignettes, each tied to popular past storytelling sessions.
PARCEL 35 - Elin Design, The Soul - Elin Egoyan
A showcase of shops and other creations from Elin Design which main store you can find at Utopia Skye Grid.
PARCEL 40 - Coney Island - Kimm Starr
PARCEL 43 - The Clown Motel - Doctor Dave
Based on the RL motel in Tonopah, Nevada, someone decided to build a clown themed motel in the middle of nowhere. And they built it next to a RL cemetery. The Motel is reported to be haunted. So is the cemetery. What could possibly go wrong?
A smaller and safer version of the Motel is on display at the OpenSim World's Fair. The full Motel is located HERE Exodus is an Adult sim so watch out for "playful" clowns and ghosts.
PARCEL 46 - Cleos Castle - Cleopata Rajal
Come see the castle created by Cleopata Rajal!
PARCELS 49 & 52 - Chienoshima & Thorvaldsland - Genesis Roleplay Grid - Thorvaldr Ragnarsson
PARCELS 53, 55 & 67 - Genesis Roleplay Grid - Lavia Lavine
Genesis Roleplay Grid is growing at a rapid rate and we're inviting YOU to be a part of the Genesis. We have regions available as well as parcels or just a place to call home. Membership to the grid is required.
PARCEL 57 - Valland Shop - The Vallands- Valerie NatureInSim
Come and relax after an energetic experience at the fair at the Zen Garden created by Kimm Starr
PARCEL 61 - Four Winds Koshari Mahana
PARCEL 64 - The Shark Ride
PARCEL 68 - DJ Spirit
PARCEL 71 - Fitheach Eun
Fitheach Eun of Wyldwood Bayou has created an informative exhibit about the damage in Western North Carolina from Hurricane Helene.
PARCEL 0c - Andron Rae aka Andron827
PARCEL 4 - Nyx Breen
PARCEL 8 - Virtual Vignette - Kimm Starr
Animated Animesh is one of the most under-utilized assets available in the metaverse. Animated Animesh help to tell the story. You built a big beautiful world, help it to come alive with Animesh.
PARCEL 10 - Lunaria Exporium - Luna Lunaria
Main Store - OpenSimulator Metaverse Region
PARCEL 13 - Legendary Creations - Gregg Legendary
PARCEL 19 & 20 - Big Band Land - Koshari Mahana
Come and ride the giant instruments! Slide down the sax, dance inside the violin and piano, jump on the drump and experience the sounds of the Big Band Era. Brought to you by Four Winds.
PARCEL 23 - Medusa Technology, Marcel Mosswood
Medusa Technology leads in virtual world development, building, and training, serving sectors such as education, museums, culture, libraries, and real estate.
PARCEL 27 - Savannah Joy
Savannah's exhibit combines her farming system and some of her amazing AI art.
PARCEL 30 - Craft World / OSGrid - Emil Jannings
PARCEL 33 - Pyramid Expo - Aphra Hendrix
PARCEL 36 - Elin Design - Elin Egoyan
A showcase of houses and other creations from Elin Design which main store you can find at Utopia Skye Grid.
PARCEL 41 - Energetic Reset: The Indigo Blue Realm, IndigoQueen King
HangoutsA Spiritual Community that focuses on Energy Healing, Meditation, Chakras, Angels, Guides, Astrology, Tarot, Crystals, Dancing, Hangout, Lectures, and more.
PARCEL 44 - Shork Group - Aries Quitex (aka Bob Gullwing & Vixy Sharpfang
The Shork Group is a small collection of boardgamers, roleplayers, tinkerers and storytellers who like to be something else at times. With the help from commissioned artists the Shork Group and its subsidiary, Shork Industries, create modular anthropomorphic avatars, happily sharing them with everyone who likes something outside the norm.
PARCEL 47 - Pool Club - Aphra Hendrix
PARCEL 50 - Godewind to Zendora - Elin Egoyan
PARCEL 54 - Mermaids Cove, Jojo Apple aka Harmony Beningborough
Mermaid's Cove is an ever-evolving beach and Mermaid themed region on the OS Grid! Here you can shop, stop in the bakery for some sweet treats and swim with the mermaids in the beautiful lagoon! There's a carnival to enjoy, all rides work! Soooo much more is coming so please do come visit often!
PARCEL 58 & 60 - Zen Garden - Kimm Starr
PARCEL 62 - Virtual Vignette, Kimm Starr
PARCEL 65 - GroovyVerse - Hyacinth Jean
GroovyVerse is a peaceful, creative virtual featuring friendly people, beautiful landscapes, and user-friendly peaceful environments.
PARCEL 69 - Virtual Vignette, Kimm Starr
PARCEL 72 - NOVA Shipyards - Pauline NOVA419
Pauline is displaying her home, the Metro 1 Spaceship. She also has come of her products created in Blender & OpenSim available.
PARCEL 1 - Hopestone Creations
PARCEL 2 - International Spaceflight Museum, Kat Lemieux, Mike Lorrey
International Spaceflight Museum in Kitely! Founded in 2005 in Second Life, the ISM is maintained by a US 501(c)(3) non-profit incorporated in Texas. This world in Kitely is still under development, but we are opening it to the public.
PARCEL 5 - Wolf Territories - Lone Wolf
Wolf Territories Grid is your gateway to endless possibilities and adventures in the vast expanse of virtual reality. Established in 2020, Wolf Territories Grid is an OpenSim-based metaverse that has quickly grown to become the largest grid on the OpenSim platform, according to Hypergrid Business. Our network spans over 29000 standard (256x256) sized regions across four blazing-fast servers, anchored by a deep commitment to innovation, community, and user satisfaction.
PARCEL 11 - Four Winds & Coopersville - Koshari Mahana
PARCELS 14, 15, 16, & 17 - Immersive ExperienceGroup
PARCEL 21- CheriNet Creative HQ (CCHQ) - Art in the Park
Using 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds and GenAI Art to Amplify Real Life Conservation Message, “Save Monarch Butterflies”
Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) aka Sally Cherry
CCHQ - Art in the Park is an integration of 3D virtual worlds and generative AI images to amplify a real life conservation message. The special generative AI Art exhibition, "Save Monarch Butterflies Series" is featured within the “Art In The Park” located at CheriNet Creative HQ hosted by Kitely. The overall purpose of the exhibition is to promote awareness about the "threatened" status as well as the amazing migration of the Monarch Butterfly, one of the most phenomenal species in North America.
PARCEL 24 - Kitely Grid - Ilan Tochner
Kitely provides OpenSim-based virtual worlds. You can visit existing virtual worlds for free, or create your own worlds for a very affordable price. To get you started, Kitely even offers a 14-day money back guarantee on new world orders.
Another service provided by Kitely is Kitely Market, which is the biggest virtual goods marketplace on the Hypergrid. Merchants who list items in Kitely Market can sell their goods to the users of all the virtual worlds on the Hypergrid, and Kitely Market takes care of the delivery automatically.
PARCEL 28 - Westeros Medieval Roleplay - Steve Zodi
PARCEL 31 - St. Patrick's Day - Kimm Starr
PARCEL 34 - Genesis Roleplay Grid - Lavia Lavine
PARCEL 37, 38 & 39 - Genesis Roleplay Grid - Lavia Lavine
Genesis Roleplay Grid is growing at a rapid rate and we're inviting YOU to be a part of the Genesis. We have regions available as well as parcels or just a place to call home. Membership to the grid is required. If it's your thing, Roleplay, Build, Create, Design or just hang out with your friends and socialize. Genesis Roleplay Grid is a Partner Grid of Masala Estates grids.
PARCEL 42 - Entertainment Park - Paige Stormblade
Come and play games watch a movie and dance, we have pizza. take in the sights of nature and enjoy the fair.
PARCEL 45 - The Lagniappe Grid - MS. Cal
PARCEL 48 - Bistro Elena - Aphra Hendrix
PARCEL 51 - Gentle Fire Grid - Adore Mint
Step into a New Reality! Discover the Gentle Fire Gid where your dreams come to life! explore Limitless Landscapes: From the bustling streets of futuristic cities to the serene beauty of enchanted forests, our virtual world offers endless exploration.
PARCEL 56 - Somebeach Somewhere & The Newbilicious Boutique - Pixey Dee
PARCEL 59 - Andron Rae
Tiy this game out, it's a huge challenge!
PARCEL 63 - Kitely Market, Ilan Tochner
PARCEL 66 - The Samba - Rosa Alekseev
Rosa has created a great exhibit for all of us who want to learm more about the Samba and it's history. Be sure to check out her exhibit!
PARCEL 70 - Made in Opensim - Luna Stormfeather
OpenSim Worlds Fair © 2024